Welcome to the Kuja Kuja Journal

Welcome to the Kuja Kuja Journal

Greetings, and welcome to the Kuja Kuja Journal. Kuja Kuja is a feedback and accountability platform, and our goal is to ensure the voices of the community are central in designing the programs and services meant to serve them. We believe in radical transparency.  In light of that, the Kuja Kuja Journal is here to share with you our own experiences and learnings. Consider this to be a journal in the sense that it is a diary of our thoughts.

Through the Journal, we'll plan to dig into a variety of topics.  What exactly is Kuja Kuja? What do we do? And, where did we come from?  You'll hear from different perspectives on the Kuja Kuja team.  We'll also talk about how we think Kuja Kuja, and feedback data, relate to current events in the news. What has Kuja Kuja been up to amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, for example?

Excitingly, the Journal will be a way for us to share publicly news and ideas for new products we are working on - like our remote data collection tools, our dynamic reporting capabilities, how we are understanding the Pulse of the community on specific topics, as well as how clients are using these tools. We'd love to cultivate a space of open learning and discussion around community feedback. So dig in, read, share, and become a part of our learning community! Follow us on Twitter to hear about future posts and join the conversation.

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