Kuja Kuja and COVID-19

Kuja Kuja and COVID-19

As I believe everyone is aware, one of the biggest news stories of the year has been the global COVID-19 pandemic.  Like most organizations, Kuja Kuja had to pivot quickly in response to the crisis.  Internally this looks like a lot less travel for our team members, and weekly global coordination calls that bring together a geographically diverse group, from Bogota to Capetown, to ensure we stay connected as a team while we are all working from home to mitigate the spread of the virus.

For data collection and our work globally, this meant grounding our teams and quickly rolling out new remote data collection tools that had been under development but not yet released.  Through this new approach, we've become an asset for clients who are unable to go out into communities as they had in the past. Together we've co-created key messages and information-sharing moments during our conversations with beneficiaries.

When it comes to the communities, many of our clients express concern over response fatigue - something I feel personally.  After a day of remote calls to stay connected across our work, I'm hesitant to agree to further remote calls with friends and family to catch up!  We are not finding this to be true for our community respondents, who very much appreciate the constant venue of communication. In one example, we spoke with a respondent again after 15 days, and they expressed relief that we were calling again, happy to hear from Kuja Kuja.

If you are interested in sharing your learnings or you think Kuja Kuja could be an asset to your team as this pandemic evolves, reach out to us.

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