Inside Kuja Kuja

Inside Kuja Kuja

I believe one of the reasons Kuja Kuja sets itself apart from the rest of the pack is through our internal working environment. We hire a majority of our staff from within the communities where we are collecting data, with an eye for people who have a positive, customer service attitude and a passion for learning. As each Kuja Kuja team member learns about Kuja Kuja and their role within, they are encouraged to seek out other team members where their interests lie. We think it is very important to cultivate an environment of growth and constant learning.

Through my role as Business Development Lead, I like to learn about all different aspects of our operations so that I can speak fluently about Kuja Kuja’s work to potential funders and clients. When something peaks my interest, I dig deeper. Right now I’m working on learning Spanish, watching some amazingly interesting videos and reading up on Lean Startups that a teammate has been sharing with me, and I’ve dipped my toes into learning about SQL (a query language for our database). My newest quest for learning is a daily writing habit, and this blog. Though I’ve never considered myself a writer, I find myself more and more drawn to it as my work progresses, and it feels good.

We bring this learning environment to our partnerships as well, curious to understand where Kuja Kuja provides the most interest and value, and working to iterate our products in response to that.

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