Moving from Why to How

Over the past month, we've begun to introduce you to Kuja Kuja, our thoughts, and a few of our products.  I hope by now you've gained a little insight into why we do what we do - to bring the voice of the affected community to the center of service delivery and project design. You've also learned about the open, positive team learning environment that we try to cultivate internally.

Now, we'd like to take you further into the how.  How does Kuja Kuja bring the voices of communities served to our clients? Into the new year, we'll cover, in greater detail, the different products and approaches we use to deliver our approach, explaining across our three pillars, access, interpret, and act.

Inside access, we'll dig into how we collect data - the conversation with the respondent, the methods of collection, as well as challenges and aspirations for the future.

With interpret, we'll explore in detail our data analysis tools and methods - peaking into how we generate valuable insights for our clients.

Most important is that our clients and partners act on the information we provide. We are working and learning how best to motivate and inspire action, and will share with you the different ways that is happening.